Summary: Red light therapy (RLT) has been used since the invention of lasers more than 40 years ago and is primarily used to treat neurological disorders, reduce inflammation, and promote healing of tissue.
1. Red light may be a solution to slow-to-heal wounds.
Slow–to–heal wounds trouble many people and red–light therapy can help a wide variety of nonhealing defects such as infected wounds and amputation injuries.
2. RLT can be used to heal the human body.
Red light promotes collagen production helping to improve musculoskeletal issues, heal tissue, promote joint health, and help treat rheumatoid arthritis.
3. RLT provides anti-aging benefits to the skin.
RLT helps to treatskin conditions, promotes skin rejuvenation, and increases collagen production.
4. Red light therapy can improve athletic performance.
In 2012, RLT was shown to improve athletic performance such as an increase in strength and quicker muscle recovery. This is due to red light’s ability to reduce oxidative stress, inflammation, and stimulate progenitor/stemcells.
5. RLT stimulates hair growth and reverses hair loss.
This 2013 study from the Dermatologic Surgery journal demonstrates how red–light therapy can stimulate hair growth and reverse hair loss. This leads to thicker and denser hair.
Source: Dermatologic Surgery
6. RLT can modulate the immune system; however, it may also result in immune suppression.
The study shows how red–lighttherapy helps to modulate the immune system; however, overtreatment may lead to in immune suppression.
7. Various spectra of red light can stimulate DNA/RNA synthesis.
This study looks at red light’s ability to stimulate DNA/RNA synthesis and shows how various spectra have different peak positions to promote DNA/RNA synthesis.
8. Red light can improve antioxidant defenses and improve cellular functioning.
Red light can be absorbed by the mitochondria to stimulate more ATP (Adenosine triphosphate) production. RLT can also improve antioxidant defenseswhich can help speed healing during illness.